Thursday, January 05, 2006

Great Holidays...Great Football Game

Going into the Christmas and New Years season, I struggled as I mentioned in some previous blogs. My eyes observed others going through some difficult times.

However from Christmas day on, I have had a "New" spirit. It was great to have family over for a "French" fiest. I had an absolute blast cooking for everyone coming over as we had Orange Duck, Quiche, Crepes, French Onion Soup, Desserts and other stuff.

As much as it was a day filled with gifts, we had a better time just hanging out together...not simply as family but as friends who happen to share the same blood line!!! This is an area that I have neglected as I struggle through the differences of relationships as friends and family members. I took my eyes off of the splinters in my family members eyes and just took in the time as I would with friends and accepted each family member for the unique individual that they are. It was great to reconnect with some family that I have shut out of my life over this past year.

As I move into this year of 2006, I find that I have some decisions to make which will make a huge impace on the rest of my life and the lives of those nearest and dearest to me. However God has found a wonderful way to remind me that the decisions are not mine to make, but rather mine to obey. My only decision is to seek Him and obey Him. My prayer is for discernment as I move forward.

As a note, I received this message through the sermon at Lake Point to start the year off. Taken from versus Mark 10:46-52 in which the blind man seeks Jesus to be healed. One of the key points in the sermon was Not settling for less. Jesus asked the man what he wants, and he could have easily asked for his next meal, or some clothes, or some other material thing...but he asked for the grand daddy of them all...TO SEE!!! He didn't settle, he asked for what he wanted and he received it.

So this year, I don't want to settle...First and foremost, I want to SEE what it is God wants from me and for me this year and in future years. Please Pray that I will be in contact with God and that I will discern His vision and will for me over my own worldly wants.

Now for some fun news. In addition to some unique insights, I had the thrill last night of watching the NCAA Football BCS Title game. The University of Texas is the team that I have been rooting for since I was a little kid and quietly I have had them as my favorite non-Cowboys team. Well UT won the Championship 41-38 over a very good USC football team. This was the greatest game I have had the pleasure of watching since the Cowboys where winning Superbowls in the early 90's. Don't tell my wife, as she may wonder why I did not list the Stars Championship Hockey run of 99...but truth be known, the Longhorns Championship ranked higher in this fans heart.