Monday, February 13, 2006

Prayer, it's not just given...but also requested

Filled with ups and downs, that is what makes life so dynamic.

Unfortunately, lately the bumps have been pretty harsh...consequences of choices and decisions that were simple to see the good, but easy to choose the bad. Caught up in the vision of tomorrow with some slips from the daily focus to succeed towards that destination. Financial and Purity choices have been a difficult struggle.

Pardon me for not sharing the gritty details, but suffice it to say that family and marital strain have entered into teh dynamic of life. No longer is it safe to say that only with God's grace can we perservere, but it is a matter of choice in obedience to experience God's grace and redemptive powers.

Dicsipline has been a very difficult thing for me to accomplish in my life. Should I say, sustained discipline? It's amazing the lessons that I try to teach my own sons in perservearence, seem lost in my own walk as I cling to the latest thing that feels good. Be it an eclair of any variety...or is addiction circles something called a "Magic Pill"

Yet, in this moment of despair, there is a strong hope. The meeting of new people who seek help for the first time!!! The sharing of visions, not quite long term vision, but rather short term with a site of a plan and some actions to take. I've heard this called, "Taking Baby Steps"

So today I Pray, I Pray for a rekindling of Love, I Pray for my own strengthening in my faith and for the sight to see where I should place my next step, I Pray for God's Grace and Forgiveness, but more importantly that I will accept it and do something with it.

As I sit and ponder, I Pray that decisions will become simple as I sort through the busy-ness of life. Work, Marriage, Parenthood, Friend, Church, Missions, Sports, Coaching, Finances, Sobriety, Faith and Self. All of these things are a part of my life, all of them are a part of the other, yet all of them deserve their own delicate attention. Pray that I become willing to make Faith my top priority and that I allow Faith to support me in the other areas of my life.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Life continues

Life is filled with boxes of stuff. Some are great and others...well they could be better off just staying in the box. Coming off the holidays, where many boxes where opened with the sure fired smile regardless of what was inside, life continues.

Stretching into February the pressures of life continue. Work, Family, Church and a few other things, within each is yet another slue of boxes to be opened and organized. However one box can easily effect another box and thus really complicate matters.

My futile attempt above is to write about day to day life as experienced by me. I'm finding that I have some really great things going on, within my own work, my family and my church, but I also am discovering that I am have some obstacles to overcome. Many are simply things that have to be dealt with, while some are consequences of previous choices that I have made.

Specifically financial issues, tithe and such...this is a major obstacle that take some discipline, which I am in the process of truly learning. As well, the battle of Time...managing my time is in direct conflict with managing my energy and desires...

Uhhh, this is so's time for me to sign off...perhaps next time, I can come up with something a bit more uplifting...but in the end, I am like many of you and simply being as Life Continues.