Friday, April 07, 2006

What a week

Recently I sent an e-mail to a dear friend and stated that I am torn between doing what I want to do and doing what I am responsible for.

This is the dilema between vocation and passion. I work in order to provide for my family. All the honorable and obedient, this is sometimes a trial. In an effort to stay sane, I also serve in various ministries and at times I taste the sheer joy and fulfillment of doing what my heart desires and what I believe is somewhat of a calling. Yet I know that through the perservearance of following through on my vocation that God is molding me and shaping me into his will.

I am reminded of this when I see the little things such as car repairs, utility bills and other payments that are due on a regular basis. Yet I am also reminded every time I see my Bride take on a new challenge because she feels safe and provided for. I see it in the joy that my sons show as they take on life and relationships as they continue to grow.

As much as I long to change the world through my grandious thinking, I am reminded that my priority is as a dad and a husband.

Jesus changed the world by changing the lives of his disciples. Then as I learn and respond the call of shepperding my family, I too can change the world by taking care of home.

The time will come when I will be called into other locations, but it is not today, this much I know. Yes, through the trials of this week, I am reminded that this is the season of being a dad.

Recently I have read the following: "Obstacles are those frighful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals."

I have learned that not all obstacles are clearly black/white evil things. Once they are recognized they can be put in their proper place.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Life Goes on

Life goes on

Well folks, life goes on. Things are happening fast and furious and today, I am trying to simply catch my breath.

Please pray for a dear friend, who battling hard in the hospital after catching Malaria while on a mission trip to Uganda. Being a friend and not a family member, I am reluctant to post any additional information, but please pray.

Also pray as their are spiritual attacks occuring and I am seeking God's wisdom on how to address things that our outside of my control.

On the positive side, Pray for France!!! There is a team preparing to travel to France for a short term support. Our friends and long term team members based in Southern France are getting ready to have their first public service. Pray that all team members will be blessed and that their sacrifice will be well received by the people they are all seeking to reach. Pray that each team member will get to see an early return and some of the fruit of the work and service they are providing.

Also a note, my sons will be receiving some type of Academic Award this month. We received a letter regarding an upcoing awards ceremony and that both Eric and Ryan would receive an award, however they have not shared what the award is. Regardless, I am so proud of both of them as they have made the transition from Homeschool to High School absolutely amazing. Seeing them turning into great young men, does my heart wonders and I am thrilled to have the honor of being their dad and play a small part in the Men that they will become!!!