Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Catching up

Today is October 7th, a Tuesday the year 2008.

A ton of things have taken place since my last post...what back in 2006.

To help get us current, today we will have the 2nd of the Presidential debates. This is to be a townhall meeting type of format.

Based on my views the election is not going so well. I am a conservative at heart and I fear that we are seeing this country drift into a dark liberal hole. I am certain that our leftist friends would just assume that people like me went away.

We are seeing a society that is drifting further and further away from God and the foundations associated with God. Rather I see people appeasing those of us of faith, but in reality this has turned into a self-gratification culture.

Where is this generations Jonah? Would anyone listen?

I know that I have to develop as an individual and further strengthen my faith, but I struggle as I fear the world that my sons and future generations will be living with. This weighs heavy on me, yet I have no control over any of it.

To get other updates...life is clicking away.

My sons are both HS Seniors this year, and we are just now going through some major college searches. I have one son who is pretty well undecided as to what he wants to do. I am hoping to encourage him to pick one or two possible directions and work towards those goals, then if he becomes convicted with another path, he is welcome to change. But I fear the wandering mentality...I struggled with this for many years and it is a rather difficult life.

My other son, is pretty set on what he wants to do...soccer and journalism (Sports). Now he is searching for the right school that can offer him the opportunity to pursue both.

My wife is living life to its fullest and is enjoying her path as well as the adventures she is experiencing through her vocation as a "Life Coach"

As for me, I went through a transition as in 2007 I was laid off from my old company. I miss those days and that company. Namely due to the company being based out of France. My trips to France have virtually stopped, short of an upcoming family vacation we will take to Paris in March of 2009. If I could, I would love to live in France...there is a part of that country that speaks volumes to me and makes me feel as though I am home.

But in terms of work I have moved on. I tried to set up my own business, while I interviewed with other companies...I hooked up with one company for about 3 months, but I had a bad feeling that this company was getting ready to struggle and I didn't want to pass up a 2nd opportunity, which is the company I am with today.

I still long to write, and mostly to write about sports. My hope is to re-kindle this desire using this blog as a tool. Perhaps writing a bit on my local pro teams (Dallas Stars, Cowboys, etc...) Only to see if there may be some interest from others in my perspective as an outsider.

Of course, I could twist things and start writing about movies and TV shows, as this has become a pretty good hobby of mine as well. Perhaps on my next blog, I can write a little about a movie I recently watched called "Reign Over Me" - a great dramatic movie from Adam Sandler about two friends who stumble across eacho ther after a period of time has passed. One person in desparate need of a friend, the other in desparate need of learning what it means to be a friend.

There's my update for now...may you all be blessed and enjoy living life to its fullest.