Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

Time flies when you are living life. Seems that I tried to initiate this blog as a place to keep up with life, journal on occasion and so forth, but I find that I hop around with work, family and message boards...not to mention facebook.

Anyway, it's 2009 and my life is getting ready for a new chapter. This year is the year that my son's will graduate High-School and head off to college or adult life in general.

As a dad, I couldn't be any prouder of what my son's have accomplished in life so far. They have put themselves in a position to have many options to choose from as they enter adulthood. That is the basis of what I want for my sons. They get to choose what they want to do, simply because they want to do it.

As opposed to when I became an adult...I had made some pretty bad choices growing up and when I finished Highschool, I had some limited options...thus I chose to go into the military, back in 1986!!! Turned out to be one of the best decisions that I have ever made...if for no other reason than to hold down a steady job for 3 years. It also provided me a place to make mistakes, learn and essentially develop as a person.

Now, I find that my parenting has been a success thus far thanks to making one positive choice to join the military when I did. Of course nothing the boys have today could not be true if not for the greatest choice I've made...that of my wife!!! What a woman!!!

We have balanced each out as Mom & this year unfolds, we will get to rediscover who we are as individuals and as husband and wife!!!

This transition will be a challenge, but one that I am willing to take and willing to be humble and allow the guiding hand of our creator to take me through.

As a part of 2009, I will also transition into a stronger role in my career with opportunities at new deals, but also a challenge to be a confident me and the ability I have to communicate as a salesperson.

Happy 2009 my friends...may we all prosper as this year unfolds.